Search Results
226 items found for "christians acting poorly"
- Breathe Acts: Groceries
Please be inspired by these modern day “Acts” and lets go out and live our faith today!
- Awkward Acts of Kindness
I just want to say, my friends, that even little acts of awkward kindness have potential to change the
- Breathe Acts: Starbucks
Please be inspired by these modern day “Acts” and lets go out and live our faith today!
- Breathe Acts: Jezebel's
Please be inspired by these modern day “Acts” and lets go out and live our faith today!
- Breathe Acts: Hotel
Please be inspired by these modern day “Acts” and lets go out and live our faith today!
- Christianity Ruining Indigenousness
And how Christian missionaries got a bad name. But, I kind of agree. But they told me stories of how bringing Christianity has done a few things. Maybe that was more an ego-anglo-power-political thing than a Christian thing. All three of these groups of Christians said something to the extent of “We cannot, as Christians go Let’s cure ourselves of Ego-angloism, and be the right type of Christians to all people.
- Christians Aren't Special
Christians just don’t seem any different than other people: uncommitted church members, highly realized Just like there are Christians like that.
- Christians and Good Atheists
really good people helping the homeless or starting organizations to end poverty and I hope they are Christians Because then that would validate that Christianity is working and making people better than people who Both Christians and non-Christians alike can do good things. But Christians are different because they do very certain things. I’ll tell you what I mean.
- Science Points to Christianity
But then I realized, Christianity is the religion that levels this playing field. if some broken part of our brain is leading us to sin more than most, or in more hideous ways, the Christian
- Breathe Acts: Road Trip
Please be inspired by these modern day “Acts” and let's go out and live our faith today!!!
- Breathe Acts: Money Multiplies
Please be inspired by these modern day “Acts” and lets go out and live our faith today!
- Breathe Acts: Tip the Greeter
Please be inspired by these modern day “Acts” and lets go out and live our faith today!