“…let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)
Breathe is a Wichita group yearning to bring ourselves and others closer to God. Please be inspired by these modern day “Acts” and lets go out and live our faith today!
This is the story told by one of the members of Breathe:
“I was in Atlanta for work and I went to a Wednesday night church service with my friend, Unree. Unree’s church is HUGE! Unree is black and his WHOLE church is black. I’m about as pasty blonde white as a guy can be. But as we walked out, i told Unree, “this culture seems so kind and welcoming. I’ve never lived in a place that was very diverse before!”
I had dropped 20$ in the offering plate, but after we got into our separate cars and were waiting for the traffic of the parking lot to clear out, Unree jumped out of his car and came over to my window.
“I feel like God wants me to give this to you.” and he handed me a 20!
“Haha! Really? Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I’m sure. I want you to have it.”
“Well, thanks. I’ll try to use it to bless somebody else. Thanks brother!”
Unree ran back to his car and we’re on the highway 10 minutes later.
My phone rang. It was Unree.
“What’s up, Unree?”
“Hey have you gotten anything to eat yet?”

“I have some stuff back at the hotel but if you want to hang out some more, we totally should.”
“Yeah, we could just eat and have some more fellowship before you have to head back tomorrow.”
We went to a Chili’s and were seated by a really nice young black lady. I noticed, again, that I was surrounded by black people. They were laughing and smiling and enjoying their dinner. I felt SOO comfortable there. Almost like i was one of them.
“Dude, Unree. I was thinking. What if we use the $20 you gave me, and I’ll match it with another $20 and we can give it to our waiter to totally bless him.”
“Cool. that sounds like a good idea.”
We had a great time of sharing about our families and dreams and working at the same company. But. . . near the end of our meal the waiter just didn’t seem like he was the right one for the money.
“What about the girl who greeted us?”
“Yeah, that seems better. For some reason she seems like the person it should go to.”
I gave the money to Unree and as we walked out I was totally expecting him to talk to the pretty young greeter. But instead of giving her the money he asked, “Where was the young woman who was working here an hour ago?”
I was shocked. I thought it was the same girl! they both looked like pretty young black women. It’s a good thing i wasn’t giving out the money.
So when the other greeter came out Unree said to her, “We felt like we were supposed to give you this money.” He handed the $40 to her and continued, “We just felt that God wanted us to give it to you to hopefully bless you.”
She was flattered. “Thank you so much! What are your names? Are you both from here?”
We talked a little bit and Unree closed with this, “I go to Change The World church if you ever want to go. It’s just up the road.”
“Yeah, Ok. Maybe I’ll see you there!” she replied. “thank you very much!”
And we split. Happy.”
This was the story told by one of the members of breathe.
Raw Spoon