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The Mystery in Prayer stories

After a long day, I was praying with a friend to have patience toward her clients because we thought that was what she needed. But we were both kind of wondering why it was just so hard to feel God.

The next day she emailed me and told me it had happened. But it wasn’t what I expected. She had woken up from a nap and felt God powerfully real next to her bed for a moment, like she used to feel when she was a kid. God had supplied for her, but it wasn’t what we had prayed for. It was better and deeper.

If the plot was predictable, we would doubt the abilities of the Author.

Although sometimes I doubt the faithfulness of my Author because He doesn’t give me what I ask for, when I look at all the blessings I have in my life, I am thankful he has given me exactly what I have. Maybe now I will continue to pray for what I want but I’ll trust him to give me what I need.

Raw Spoon

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These BLOGS are usually inspired by messages I (or friends) feel we have heard from God. This is the nature of our God. Listen for how he may be speaking to you.


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