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447 items found for "hell"

  • I Thought I had to Blindly Believe in the Bible

    feel around, and smell the air, see with what little light there is, and listen for sounds that will tell And he starts to tell you about this creature. And how does this person know about the creature? says something like, “The creature loves you and likes clean and bright places,” but my senses say, “Well We have our “senses” that help us explore this world. So he has more credibility than anyone else I can think of to tell us the story and meaning of it all

  • Sermon 3-17-19: Really, God?

    Fast forward 2000 years, in our gospel passage today, Luke 13:31-35, the pharisees tell jesus, stop preaching I’ve based my whole life on being a Christian, writing books about it, making art to help people building Over the past couple of years too many coincidences lined up telling me to look honestly into a certain

  • Breathe Acts: Hotel

    Well is there anything that you need that I could get for you?” “Well, would you like for me to get a hotel for you tonight?” “Uh. . .” Well I’ll probably go check around. I might be back.” I drove to the Days Inn next door. struggled to get up, pick up his humungous bundle (about 1/3 the size of a VW beetle) of stuff and i helped I offered to help pick up his bundle but he declined.

  • STORY: Taking Risks to get out of Dark Places

    Well, your breakfast, Ms. Jessica,” he smiled. She rolled her eyes. “Well, actually, it’s not exactly people I am serving first.” She waited for him to continue until she finally blurted out, “Well, who?!” Like I ask him to tell me things to do. “Well, now you’re my chauffeur. Go get the car dude.” “He smiled and nodded.

  • STORY: The City of Stillborns

    the hills. “Come between the hills where they cannot see you.” He walked with pulsing strides in his smooth glide over the hills and towards the city. She knew the voice of her unborn son as well. A muffled sob of joy broke from her. For, though I didn’t realize it, you have sent them to bless me as well.

  • Wanting a Spouse like Wanting a King

    And even recognizing the ways we weren’t connecting well, but wanted to, stirred up something in me. Also, married people’s calling can become to love each other or raise a family, so marriage definitely helps

  • STORY: When You Die

    Papers fell out of it almost every time she opened it. “Well,” the teacher said, “How good do you think you have to be?” Samson’s hand shot up again.  “Well, um, where are you going, Sir?” “I’m going over there.”

  • STORY: Missing Husband

    Or even moreso when I seek direction or help in my life by praying, and I don’t hear anything and nothing By age 18 Janie knew every one of the boys in the small high school well enough to know that even tho But that he is there listening to each of my love letters, each night as I bow my head before bed and tell

  • Appointments with Disappointment

    Even after shelling out tens of thousands of hard-earned dollars for her body’s brokenness, he ordered But he said all that is just to help her survive. The iPad is to make her happy. how she just felt really known and loved by her mother because she had listened to her daughter so well Besides, you don’t have that kind of cash and you’ve already gifted me well!”

  • *STORY: Pretty Britney

    After finding a few of them, and their mailman telling them about a few others, they told her that she He held back his tears. "I hope he comes back soon."

  • In Response to the Anti-Christian Church

    It is well with my soul.” And it claims that it is. 📷 Conclusion This religion offers us the keys to ancient halls of time, communion

  • *STORY: Kintsugi in the news room

    starting with small stories, until 6 years later Robert had gained the necessary writing skills as well Robert brought with him some, well, some problems. There he had Robert tell him the whole story. the readers was how Henry Price was going to respond to a blunder of this weight by one of his most well-known Later that week, Robert released a humbled, masterpiece of an article which held the attention of the

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