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719 items found for "god real"

  • Cockroach in Lingerie

    When they get inside of me they change what I really want and who I am. And then when the real woman knocks, your household will be fortified and clean.

  • Broken Duckling in Hand

    I realized that I am selfish at my core and my heart is fighting tooth and nail to keep what I desperately I was not able to do better or try harder or heal myself. I can pull my crap together and look less sinful, but it’s my core that needs healing. Please heal me. I keep hurting people. I keep failing. Please do not let me fade away. Raw Spoon

  • STORY: Why'd You Leave Me on this Mountain

    I knew, by the way he said ‘tired’ that he knew it wasn’t really tired that I felt. I realized my clenching jaw proved to myself that I certainly was. Something about them looked really similar to Patricks’. But I realized I had nothing left inside of me to throw at him. It knew his real name. “I’m here. I’m here.” “Close enough,” I said. “He’s close enough.”

  • Impossible Psalm 30

    But how can I laud someone I have never really known? Because how likely is it that all that is real?

  • POEM: Dad's and Doors

    Then why do my eyes well up when I read David’s desperate words, His mouth dry and clothes torn from And maybe a son is the most important thing I am really, forever meant to be.

  • Not the Good, but the Beautiful Thing

    It’s hard to really think of anything I should stop or start doing. After I come out of most sermons I don’t really know anything to change, but I feel like I should somehow But after reading James K.A.

  • Science is the Lower Level Laws

    In my “Science and Religion” class the other day we read about this guy named Ian Barbour who said Science So, I just wanted to share this realization that we shouldn’t discount something as less important because

  • If You're not Damaging Your Rep

    It’s not really an event they would necessarily have any interest in. And through all of this I realized how important reputation is to me and many of us. But, when I thought about it I realized that Jesus totally wrecked his rep. passionate to help), or to say really unpopular truths? I understand this world has been real mean to ya at times.

  • *STORY: Stepping Out of a Good Story

    It had basically been a legend in Carlos' family that he had long lost relatives living in an isolated now, after three years of preparation, he found himself 4 days into a hike to where he thought the relatives What difficulties are you dealing with that are worth pushing through, just in case what you really dreamed

  • STORY: Along the Blind Path Home

    He realized that even though he had been bruised and some cuts on his arms, Toto's father had not actually he heard shouts above him, and even heard people of the opposing tribe pass him in the riverbed, he realized After he realized this he trekked up the river as Toto's father had instructed him, feeling his way along And Bemer's eyes healed in a few weeks enough to see the beautiful new regime cleaning out and building

  • STORY: The Moment She Met Jesus.

    Inspired by the passing of a real person who was very dear to us. She hadn’t realized how cold she had been before she knew this type of light. He was so human and real. She realized sobs had been quietly working their way through him as well. But hey, we do have some really good music here.

  • *STORY: Little Dude Inside, the Sequel

    I really want to go. Are you against alcohol?” “No way, man! Jesus replied.  I’m really sorry I made you look uncool.  I just didn’t know if it was for real.  But no one would have done what you did for me tonight unless Jesus were really, truly real to them.  He whispered, “I’m sorry I sometimes forget you are more real than anything that happens out there.

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