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719 items found for "god real"

  • God Why Do You Push Us Away

    Don’t You see that they don’t see how they can love a God that endorses these things? Isn’t that the goal, God? But have we lowered the bar so low that being a Christian isn’t even really being a Christian? Are you really so ridiculously cruel like that?

  • Why We Say All Sins are Equal in God's Sight

    I think that as regards salvation, the reason that before God all sins are equal is because it’s not Whether we steal a matchbox car or a real car in both cases we have chosen to disobey. I’m pretty sure God’s kingdom isn’t about toys or Teslas. It’s about having a heart to obey. The good thing is I think God is always ready for us if we repent. God, help me have a heart to obey. Please help us obey. Raw Spoon, 10-26-17

  • John 21: God why you aren't giving me answers?

    But all that Peter really wanted was a chance to be with Jesus again. It wrecked him. It really might be! Peter stumbled to his feet. I had struggled with God for answers. And then the facilitator asked, 'has anybody heard anything from God during this time in Quarantine?' Whether we have a difficult marriage, or a handicapped child, or a lonely single life, or a really difficult

  • STORY: Real is a Better Perfect

    Really." He stopped. "Your one week in Paris." She nodded over-confidently. But I hope you see that real is the better perfection. A person in the real world is so much better than the ideal in our heads. God chose it that way. We are each very real instruments which play in our own way. He kissed her on the cheek and said, “I hope you can see that only real people are the perfect ones.

  • As Real as Rocks

    I think I assume the same things of girls as I do of God. But I think instead of being just a list of personified attributes, he is as real as rocks that were (Daniel 10:13) It looks like our omnipotent God has to work around real wills of a certain shape and I think God is selecting a very real girl of a certain height and history for me. And He’s way older, and more real than even the words Love, Justice, Omnicsience and Mercy.

  • Is the Devil Real

    weird stuff in this world to make me think there is some sort of business happening in a “spiritual realm happens which we don’t yet have scientific instruments to validate, as something in the “spiritual realm And I figure that if there is a spiritual realm, it’s probably full of things with personalities. So a hierarchy of power would be established by the strongest of the spiritual beings not serving God Well, if he wanted to develop a kingdom that would rival God’s, he would want to populate it with the

  • Megachurch for Real

    This means he feels deeply and connects with God most deeply through what happens to him in prayer. He has what seems to be a very calibrated sensor for where and when God is moving. Well, he found God at one of the last places I expected him to. He found it at a huge megachurch.  He has felt and found God moving in big ways in that place! I went. . . and I can vouch for it.   I met passionate people all over that place who have deeply met and been transformed and saved by God

  • As Real as Your Face

    We say that God is omniscient, God is love, God is all powerful.  We label him with ideal concepts like these but God is also very real and now.  He is real and now like the mole on my face or the certain scratch on the face of your watch. 📷 C.S He says that Christianity has that queer quality about it that things have when they are actually real We may be able to say God is love, but we cannot say he will heal my dying aunt.

  • At the Expense of the Real

    I so quickly forsake the needs of my heavenly man in exchange for the safety of my worldly one. It’s just so much easier to believe in. Raw Spoon

  • Hypnotism and Faith Healing

    Well, it didn't really work on me. The poor healer dude like said, "More!" I mean I really wanted to have God move in me and overcome all my skepticism. "God I want you. It really is pretty amazing when you see even the people who are supposed be catching the people fall And before Jesus gets there these dudes called "Scribes" who are the really skeptical religious leaders I just imagine this father say with desperate eyes, "Guys, I just really need Jesus to heal my kid."

  • Breathe Acts: Miraculous Healing

    “Not really.” he said, “But I’m trying to figure out whether i should go back to my wife tonight or not needs healing?” He said he had been running from God all day.  He looked at us and said, but God found me anyways tonight. Thank you God for using us. Raw Spoon

  • *STORY: A hole not healed by stitches

    It was because there was a void she was desperately trying to heal. heart stayed full until four years later when her father was caught in collateral fire of a bad drug deal We were connected to our source, our God at the beginning, walking with God in the Garden. A very churchy thing that is said is that "there is a God-shaped hole inside of all of us."

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