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719 items found for "god real"

  • God's Imperfect Instructions

    But I’ve started to see God’s instructions as messier than that. For example, I feel like lately God has said things like, “I know I’ve told you that I really want you to work structure and rest into your life, but today, I really need you to go out of your way and help They just really need some help.” We may have a perfect, ideal, extra-terrestrial God, but he has chosen to reach into a very real, down

  • Did God Change?

    I just finished reading the entire bible for the first time. And some things unsettled me. For one, it seems like the god of the Old Testament has harsh rules and punishments, but the New Testament So my first thought was, how could this be the same God? But as I wrestled with this I realized, maybe God IS the same. What I mean is that maybe when cultures were young strict rules and punishments were what God used to

  • Sugar Cookie God

    Even Jesus is just really confrontational and rude a lot of the time. Even a really decent prince comes up to him asking what else he must do and Jesus basically says, “it I thought maybe so until I was reading about the ruthless God in Judges at the same time as I was reading I realized two things that made it all come together. It’s just like sometimes a good father has to look pretty mean in order to do really loving things for

  • God is not Politically Correct

    I’m reading through when God asks Abraham to sacrifice his son to prove how devoted he is to Him. But God even sent his own son to die. God has to be a PC God. This was the danger, I think, in eating of that tree. God totally isn’t PC. But he asks us to do our best to be. It shows that we trust that he is God.

  • God's Hands Tied

    Sometimes I ask, if God is all-powerful why doesn’t He just come down and fix the suffering. So what is God’s solution for this? He sent a real human version of himself down to feed us, to heal us, even to die for us, trusting that

  • God's Hot Tub

    But instead maybe we must simply put our humbled selves in the presence of God. And as we sit in prayer and worship, surrendered, like doing the back float in a big hot tub of God’s And sometimes that is when I feel the fiery velvet love of God melting me slowly, squeezing me gently that’s part of giving up the control, but I feel the warmth and little changes in my attitude and I realize

  • God's Sweet iMac

    That’s the deal. I looked around my set of cubicles today at work. What if every webpage I visit and every forward I read was shown on the big screen at the next company-wide Then I realized that this is a good analogy for the kingdom of God. And we continue to do what we want to do on the time God has given us. Although God has given me every breath I breathe, how many hours out of my day do I pray, read the Bible

  • Mormonism and Son of God

    One of the things Mormons believe is that Jesus was born to God like a son would be born to us. so important he’s still eternally God. I think it is just the best way to say that he is both God and human. Jesus is like, look, I am you, mankind, and I am wholly God as well. He can be eternally God and man, and in fact an inheritor of both. Raw Spoon, 10-23-17 📷

  • God's Obama Care

    I realized yesterday that Community is God’s Obamacare. Can you see the parallels?

  • Is God a He or a She

    God has qualities of both men and women. He is strong and also tender. In the Bible, God created one man named Adam and then took a chunk out of him and made it into a woman and feminine of God’s qualities? So now, We try to describe God using our limited rules of language, and we default to label God as a For king David cried and danced before his people and was a man after God’s own heart.

  • Are We Critiquing God?

    We talked about the book of Revelation and how the violent wrath of Christ would really just be propagating And that really it would not be any better than the previous situation. Because I realized so often we (yes me too) critique God’s words according to our own standard of morality It is the idea that we know better than God. was really meaning something more figurative.

  • God’s kingdom in a room

    I know we believe they have infinite worth just for having the image of God in them. And I know everybody has at least a very small chance at being healed or changing their lives around. I started wondering, what if the thing that really matters is the amount of love that is demonstrated

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