I met a boy named Carlton a couple weeks ago. he showed up at my house with some of the kids from the youth group i help at. His friend had just died in a car accident and he had a lot of digesting to do. He poured out his troubles of fighting with his dad, losing girlfriends and dire financial debts. He had just gotten a new job but he hadn’t paid his insurance and didn’t have gas money to get to work.

I offered my extra mattress to him if he needed a place to stay that night. He did and we talked late into the night until he finally talked himself to sleep.
Later I rallied some of the kids from the youth group to get some money together to buy him a gas card. I thought that was the best, safest way to supply for him. His most important need, was to be able to get to work. then he would be able to pull himself out of many of the other problems he was having. We accrued $130 and bought him a gas card.
(more to come on Carlton)
Raw Spoon