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Brokenhearted Teachers

I think about when I’m doing well, and the people around me are fun. I find myself getting to a comfortable place. A static place. I don’t need to change. I don’t want to change. Why would I change anything if it’s going so well.

But that doesn’t mean I don’t have areas that need changing.

So it’s when those people who are hard to love butt into my life asking for help that I begin to see cracks in my foundation. Or infested areas that were covered over by pretty rugs.

I see my patience break. Or the demand for my own pleasures turn into anger towards those making my life harder.

So, every now and then I take a step back and see that even though the healthy, balanced, fun people in my life are good, maybe it’s the difficult ones that are the most valuable to me, and my maturation as a person. My sanctification.

Raw Spoon, 12-5-17


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