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Jesus' Journal

I think it’s cool that many of the psalms are prophecies about Jesus. So, as i read through them and hear terminology like “I am thirsty but they give me vinegar,” or “all my friends have left me,” I think, this is what Jesus was feeling on the cross. And the more I read them, the more I see that most of the psalms can be read as Jesus’s thoughts, feelings, even his poetry as he lived through different stages of his life. And in that way, it’s like we’re reading Jesus’s journal, which I bet would be a best seller even on the secular lists if it were published today. And I have it at my fingertips every single day. And whenever I feel down, or grateful, or lonely, I can probably find a psalm that I can sit with and feel like I have a friend that knows me. And then it’s cool to remember that that friend is not only the architect and builder of the world, but also wants to, if i will read, pray, and let him, be my closest friend.

Raw Spoon, 2-4-13

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