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Vending Machine Man

Sometimes I live like an addict at a vending machine. Everything I do in life is like scrambling around for quarters that will get me something sweet on the other side of the glass. I’ve realized recently that even the nice things I do for people I do so that they will think I’m good. That’s one of the main ways I get my fix.

But is life really made up of drooling at a vending machine scheming for quarters so I can get my kicks?

I think i’m dragging the horse along by the cart. I’m creating a short circuit and completely missing the point.

I think maybe God intended for us to simply seek to know him and love Him by doing what he ASKS us to do. And the things he asks us to do don’t appear to earn us any quarters. But as we live by his instructions, life becomes deeper and richer, and I will find deeper, longer lasting joy is a symptom of a life well lived.

Raw Spoon

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